Sunday, 27 November 2011

Universiti Teknologi Mara (UITM)


              UiTM is Malaysia's largest institution of higher learning in terms of size and population. It has experienced phenomenal growth since its inception in 1956 and it is still growing. The university has expanded nationwide with 12 branch campuses, three satellite campuses, 9 city campuses and 21 affiliated colleges.

              The University is committed to helping bumiputera students achieve the highest scholarly level and to prepare them for careers in public and professional practice in various fields. Its formation is based on a vision of outstanding scholarship and academic excellence that is capable of providing leadership arenas.

              Although still a fledgling compared to other more established universities in the country, UiTM has earned a reputation as being one of Malaysia's innovative and entrepreneurial universities, as it has formed linkages with numerous and diverse industrial sectors. Hence, its relationships with the industries have enriched its research and innovation as well as its entrepreneurial culture.

Today, UiTM draws strength from the initiatives of its founding fathers, exploring and mastering  various frontiers of knowledge as it works towards reaching greater heights and celebrating more accomplishments at home and abroad. The ultimate is to put UiTM on the world map.


“Endeavor, Religious, Dignified”

To establish UiTM as a premier university of outstanding scholarship and academic excellence capable of providing leadership to Bumiputera’s dynamic involvement in all professional fields of world-class standards in order to produce globally competitive graduates of sound ethical standing.

●To enhance the knowledge and expertise of Bumiputera in all fields of study through professional programme, research work and community service based on moral values and professional ethics.

Every individual has the ability to attain excellence through the transfer of knowledge and assimilation of moral values so as to become professional graduates capable of developing knowledge,self,society and nation.

  • To provide maximum opportunities for bumiputera to pursue professionally-recognised programme of study in science, technology, industry, business, arts and humanities.
  • To provide quality and innovative programme of study relevant to current market needs and customer demands, and in line with policies of national development.
  • To establish a human resource development programme as a tool for the assimilation of a value system within the university community.
  • To ensure that UiTM graduates are adequately prepared to join the local as well as the global workforce.
  • To establish UiTM as a centre of excellence that is accountable for the effective and efficient management of its human resources, finances and assets in order to achieve its educational objectives, while playing its role as a catalyst in community development.
The University Logo
The logo of uitm incorporates four main colours:
  • Dark Blue shows the maturity of an institute of higher learning, which offers different levels of study.
  • Purple symbolise excellence in global knowledge.
  • Yellow represents the sovereignty of the Malay kings and the struggle of the Malays in an effort to take the national education towards excellence.
  • White shows the sacred and pure knowledge offered to the students.
    The overall shape of the logo maintains the original shape in order to retain the identity of UiTM as the font of knowledge.

    The University Song

    Wujudmu di sini di tanah anak merdeka
    Bagai obor ilmu memayungi putra-putrinya
    Pelopor hidup, budaya bangsa, agama, negara
    Pembentuk akhlak manusia agar jadi sempurna
    Ku yang melangkah ke sini ingin mempelajari
    Rahsia di muka bumi dengan cara hakiki
    Tunjukkan aku jalan ilmuMU untukku menuju
    Destinasi cita-cita negara dan bangsaku
    Majulah bangsa
    Maju negara
    Berkat usaha jaya MARA
    Kami berikrar akan berjasa
    Hingga kita Berjaya...demi bangsa
    Watikah yang ku miliki kan ku semat di hati
    Janjiku pada pertiwi untuk menabur bakti
    Ku sempurnakan seikhlas hati membela negara
    Doa restu ayah bonda ku untuk mu semua
    UiTM...Usaha Taqwa Mulia

    Bersatu kita warga UiTM
    Kita bangsa perkasa
    Taat dan setia ku untuk negara
    Penuh semangat waja
    Jangan mudah terlupa
    Pengorbanan perjuangan anak bangsa

    Jangan mudah terleka
    Kemajuan keamanan yang ada
    Berterima kasih
    Pada pemimpin-pemimpin negara

    Rasa penuh bersyukur
    Kerahmatan, kemuliaan dariNya
    Pendokong, pewaris bangsa
    Pendaulat, bangsa Malaysia
    Warga berwawasan
    Untuk negaraku


    I-learn centre, UITM and blended learning.

             i-learn Centre, together with the Academic Affairs Division, are gearing towards the blended learning concept by introducing it to Uitm students and lecturers in 2009. The project involves lecturers and students both at the main campus and branch campuses.
              The face-to-face lecture session is integrated or blended with the online tutorial session as part of the effort to surmount the pressing issue of space constraints. The lecture session is handled as usual but the tutorial session is turned into e-tutorial with the same weight age.
              Blended Learning is the process of incorporating many different ways in which people learn (learning style) through the use of 'blended' virtual and physical resources that contain a variety of learning activities with the use of technology, lecturer and peer in teraction. 
              A typical example of the delivery method of blended learning would be a combination of technology-based materials along with face-to-face instruction used in the content delivery. A lecturer can  begin a course with a well-structured lesson in the classroom, and then to proceed with follow-up tutorials online. The students then join the online to continue the learning experience. The integration of a Learning Management System and the traditional face-to-face instruction also befits the blended learning.
              Blended Learning is good choosing because it is flexibility of space and time. Besides that, all communications are achieved for future reference, individual time communication, motivate students for self-learning,promotes a high level of learner interaction and accountability and opportunity to share ideas and responsibility.
              Guidelines and Responsibility of the students have four guidelines. First, actively using the interactive module in the i-learn portal. Second, fulfilling the tutorial hours per week for 14 weeks per semester requirement which is equivalent to the actual tutorial session. Thirdly is among the suggested online activities like weekly topical discussion prepared by the lecturer,group academics discussion, student's general question and answers session, discussion on past quizzes, test answers and assignments, and also submission and grading of assignments. Fourthly,is a queries or discussions require prompt responses within 48 hours.
              Students can easily participate in many of the Blended Learning activities such as the discussion forum namely i-discuss module. The i-Discuss module displays the discussions that take place between the lecturers and students under the categories of general and academics. There is also a display of main topics under each category.
              The i-Discuss is a closed discussion area limited to users belonging to that particulars group or class privy to the lecturer and the students from other groups or classes. The students can only create subtopics under any discussion and posting or replying messages.

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